A Love Letter to Linden…

Across the street, I noticed her. She had been here all week. Perhaps the seed wings had turned more yellow and the asymmetrical heart shaped leaves were more clear to me. As I sipped my coffee from the balcony of the St. Louis AirBnB, about to graduate with my Somatic Experiencing certificate, I felt again the deep support of nourishing herbal infusions.

“What you take in you become.” My teacher, Dave Berger, reminded us during class this week.

Who is Linden?

Steady, grounded, a home of the heart for others.

Linden has healed my heart as noticed by an apprentice at the Wise Woman Center who shared this song…

“Linden, Linden heal my heart. You can bring me a brand new start.”

The first sip of linden infusion feels full, floral and perhaps a bit sweet though not sweet at all. And that fullness and tender softness of Linden has reminded me to slow down and blossom.

We need all the help we can get softening our hearts during this time in our world.

What we are taking in may be stretching our capacities. And nourishing herbal infusions are here to support us from the Earth up. Simple as one pot of boiling water and an ounce of dried herb at a time.

I didn’t bring Linden with me to Saint Louis. Nettle and Oatstraw were the easiest to grab from the cupboard for travel west.

Linden met me here.

May we all feel met where we are.

- Nicole

Join us for a new class at Charym on select Saturdays:

Nourishing Herbal Infusions, led by Nicole Renee

Linden - Nettle - Red Clover Blossom - Comfrey - Oatstraw

The five all stars of Nourishing Herbal Infusions and the foundation of Wise Woman Herbalism, a tradition of working with one plant at a time to deepen your presence and groundedness.

During this one hour class, you will sample infusions and learn where to look for your new allies in your environment, how to harvest and prepare infusions.

And where to buy a pound of herb online so you can keep up with your infusions all year long. Thank you Frontier Cooperative Herbs and your global network of farmers.

Establish or stoke your existing curiosity for how relating to common plants can increase your vitality and pleasure!


Mindbody Announcement


Member of the Month: Megan Deacon