Stretch and Flow: The Charym Blog

Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

The research is in on sound baths…

It’s officially science. Sound baths change you…into a more relaxed and centered version of yourself. Alone is good, AND in a group is BETTER. In a recent segment from, Sheinelle Jones recounts feeling “relaxed” and “energized” after her solo sound bath. The research becomes even more compelling for sound bathing in groups! Read on…

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

The use of sound in medical research - Sound heals!

By using an acoustic signal that creates Faraday waves, scientists can influence the movement of heart cells to form precise patterns. Changing the frequency changes the pattern. Potential uses of this acoustic engineering include cardiac disease modeling and eventually (but more distantly) creating heart patches for heart attack victims and other patients suffering from heart related problems.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Meet Rachel, our next door neighbor and Member of the Month

Rachel Kosky is a practicing psychotherapist and the lead clinician in Energetic and Spiritual Practices at Calm & Centered Counseling. This small private practice has just recently moved to the Litchfield area, and is located right next door to Center Studio.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

One-on-one care, a little something extra

Could you benefit from a little more attention? Someone listening to you, creating goals with you and seeing through the steps to make your desires a reality? Someone to meet with week by week to establish deeper roots for your yoga practice? Someone to bridge the gaps between physical therapy, psychotherapy and your other healing modalities?

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

A Permission Slip for Devotional Self Love

When we speak of getting to our spiritual heart, there is likely some protection keeping us from being fully open. That is natural and normal, we are creatures seeking connection that is pleasant and co-regulating. The world is not necessarily that!

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Defining Consistency

What does consistency mean to you? What brings harmony and alignment to your life? To develop consistency, we must first acknowledge the importance of discovering something we love. Find what grounds you and encourages you. Prioritize it on a daily basis, and set meaningful habits. Nicole and Brian thoughtfully explore these concepts.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

The story behind the design elements in our studio

Meet Luann, longtime yoga student who partners with Charym, contributing to the mesmerizing beauty of our studio space. Luann has been with us since the beginning. Read on to learn about her special work she has done with Charym owner (and internationally sought after designer), Alexandra Champalimaud.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Membership sustains our Charym community

Inner Circle Membership is what keeps Charym alive. We exist because of those who seek the most impact from their personal practice. Membership promotes your practice. Once a week, twice a week or more, yoga asana and the gentle, happy nature of the people of Charym grounds you.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Meet Joe, a multi-talented yogi

“I focus on guiding attendees into entrainment first and foremost: I want to make sure they’re completely free-flowing and present to get the most out of the asanas! Balance is big. I love exercise, and have a background in bodybuilding. I like to incorporate challenging sequences and unique postures. Yet, to me, it’s the tranquilizing, thorough, slowly performed positions that level a class out.”

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Mindbody Announcement

Sometime in 2020, Team Charym took on the challenge of upgrading a brand new website. We left our legacy account with the scheduling system Mindbody for Acuity Scheduling in order to accommodate Zoom classes.

We were looking for an automated solution for getting you to virtual classes. And for easier booking of private sessions scheduled both in the studio and at your location.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

A Love Letter to Linden…

Across the street, I noticed her. She had been here all week. Perhaps the seed wings had turned more yellow and the asymmetrical heart shaped leaves were more clear to me. As I sipped my coffee from the balcony of the St. Louis AirBnB, about to graduate with my Somatic Experiencing certificate, I felt again the deep support of nourishing herbal infusions.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Member of the Month: Megan Deacon

Megan is an occupational therapist in an outpatient orthopedic clinic. She works with patients suffering from disabilities or injuries in their upper extremities.

In her spare time she bartends, plays soccer and pickleball, hikes and paddleboards. Oh, and she practices yoga, too…

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Teacher Feature, Nicole Renee

Learn how Nicole's background led her on a journey of self-discovery, and to a methodology that establishes a mindset of resiliency that she shares with her students. Read on for our latest teacher feature on Nicole Renee, Charym director, and our resident expert on Somatic Experiencing.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Reflections on August’s Challenge

“I started coming to Charym in March, on a journey to make time for myself, my mind, body, health and wellbeing. I have a busy job and stressful days working in the mental health field. I was struggling with disconnecting from work as I have been working from home since covid, and decided to commit to yoga to better myself.

I didn’t realize that not only would I be more physically active and mindful, that I would make friends and be a part of a community of positivity.”

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Partners in the Litchfield community

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to New Morning Market and Purusha People for their valuable partnership in our recent Heat Up Your Practice challenge. Their generosity in providing gift cards as prizes for our drawing winners has greatly enriched the experience for our participants.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Rhythm reset for optimal rest during the Autumn Equinox

Circadian rhythm is the better known part of our bodily cycles. Our familiarity with the sun up and sun down schedule may be one place we get our cultural perspective on a productive day. Waking up at sunrise has long been prized in contemplative lineages. But if 4:30 AM doesn’t sound like a golden hour to you, notice which hour you awake with ease.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

Yoga on Location

Whenever I’ve arrived on location for a yoga class at a special event, the energy of celebration grows more palpable. I can sense how others relax when surrounded with loved ones, enjoying that precious time to move together. Yoga gives us integrity as individuals and as a group. When we step on our mat together and merge attention, the effects are cumulative. Just notice the sparkle in your own eyes after you stretch and flow your way to settling. Now transfer that to your special place and feel the potential of what a private on location yoga class could do.

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Tyanne Hewitt Tyanne Hewitt

“Fight or flight” versus “Rest and Digest”

Like yin and yang, the Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System work together to achieve total harmony within the human body.

Yoga supports the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems in attaining appropriate pendulation. When these systems are in harmony, your body will know when to rest and when to eat.

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