Member of the Month: Megan Deacon

Megan (left) is our member of the month!

Our Charym member of the month is Megan Deacon!

Megan is an occupational therapist in an outpatient orthopedic clinic. She works with patients suffering from disabilities or injuries in their upper extremities. She is pictured here with a co-worker after completing a course on using KT tape applications.

In her spare time she bartends, plays soccer and pickleball, hikes and paddleboards. Oh, and she practices yoga, too…

We asked Megan to tell us about herself and her love for yoga.

How did you come to practice yoga? And how did you discover Charym?

It has now been about 3 years since starting a consistent yoga practice. I was finishing my Master's program, studying for the certification exam, and applying for jobs which amounted to a lot of stress. I knew I had to take better care of my mind and body during this time. I live right in the center of town, so I had always sort of known about Charym. One day I decided I wanted to explore other teacher's styles and found that Charym offered so many diverse classes, so I took the leap!

How has your yoga practice benefited your day to day life?

I use plenty of yoga concepts in my work, especially with shoulder rehab. I try to incorporate lots of breath with movement and breath for pain management. Personally, yoga gives me stress relief and always amounts to clarity after fast paced, chaotic days.

What about Charym encourages you to come to practice?

Being an Inner Circle member (I chose Silver) helps because I know I've got to at least go to 4 classes a month to make my membership worth it. It's motivating but without too much pressure. I bought 10 class packages to supplement with more flexibility. The friendly greetings before and conversations after class make me feel at home.

What is your favorite class or favorite memory from class at Charym?

When I received a holiday gift bag last winter with homemade tea mix, Palo Santo, some homemade balm and other treats. There was a handwritten note. It was incredibly thoughtful. Charym is more than just a business, it feels like family if you let it.

What would you say to someone who wants to start yoga but is nervous or hesitant, or is too busy to fit into their schedule?

Megan, Brooke, and Grace practicing yoga together

Once you create a habit of coming, you'll find your body and mind crave it and it no longer becomes forced. I find that my days are much more productive when I include yoga because I'm less sluggish and can think more clearly. The nice thing about yoga is that it's YOUR practice. You can modify the whole time if you'd like, people aren't there to judge!

Click here to learn more about becoming an Inner Circle member.


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