Yoga on Location

Create a rhythm with family and loved ones for your next gathering with a dynamic yoga class. Charym teachers visit your location for a practice nourishing to all ages and stages.

Whenever I’ve arrived on location for a yoga class at a special event, the energy of celebration grows more palpable. I can sense how others relax when surrounded with loved ones, enjoying that precious time to move together. Yoga gives us integrity as individuals and as a group. When we step on our mat together and merge attention, the effects are cumulative. Just notice the sparkle in your own eyes after you stretch and flow your way to settling. Now transfer that to your special place and feel the potential of what a private on location yoga class could do.

I’ve personally led yoga classes in both practical and adventure locations. For a few weeks, I led a class in someone’s foyer because it was the best space away from the kids. I’ve practiced in fully appointed basements, on lawns overlooking the hills, and twice in a field adjacent to a goat pasture. And guess who got in twice because we didn’t close the gate?!

My new policy is no yoga with goats. Trust my experience. No shade to the great goat farmers in our region, you inspire. I absolutely love herding goats for my teacher. I find goats to be mischievous meditation partners when I am in the forest with them.

There is a wisdom to practicing in a prepared space per the yogic guidance. Your attention is typically called inward in a yoga practice, with sense-withdrawal being part of the process. Yoga on location can give you a different sense of the place you are in. While you center, you’ll notice the fullness of sounds and sights around you. Including the smiling and serene faces of your loved ones.

Charym is known for all levels of yoga by teachers with a dynamic range of knowledge. Charym teachers know yoga that is inclusive for your special group. You can get to know some of our available teachers by taking their classes.

Bring one of us on location for your next bachelorette party, family reunion, business team-building or vacation from the city.

Read about our teachers on their bio pages, and email us at to determine the right fit for you and your schedule.

With heart,

Nicole Renee


New hand-dyed Charym apparel, made with love by our very own Andrew Carazza


“Fight or flight” versus “Rest and Digest”